This release adds new checks for excessive code! You can now use JSHint to check number of parameters per function, nested block depth per function, number of statements per function and function's cyclomatic complexity. More information in our docs or in this brilliant patch.
Other changes:
blocks now has their own scope so if you define a function within
a catch block and try to use it outside of said block—JSHint will warn you
about undefined variable. JSHint also warns about cases when the catch
scope leaks values into the outer scope in IE:
var e = 2;
try { throw 'boom'; } catch (e) { // JSHint: 'e' may get overwritten in IE. }
console.log(e + 2); // 'boom2' instead of 4
We no longer warn when Object is used as a function. Like Boolean, Number and String, Object can be called as a function which provides scripts with access to ECMAScript's internal ToObject logic.
JSHint can now check code within simple eval strings. For example, JSHint can now spot typos like this one (this practice is still discouraged, though):
eval("oops("); // Expected ')' and instead saw ''.
+ other minor bugfixes.
Thanks to Josh Heidenreich, Rick Waldron, Nikolay Frantsev, shybyte.